Traumreise durch den Palazzo von Maison Valentino: Die neue Parfum-Kollektion Anatomy of Dreams

Club Couture
L'innocence de L'air
Behind the Seen
Notte d'Oro
Punk Romantic
Sogno in Rosso
Private Talk

Stell dir vor, du bist in Rom und stehst in einem Palazzo aus dem 17. Jahrhundert. Das Licht fällt durch hohe Fenster auf den Marmorboden und taucht den Raum in goldenes Licht. An jeder Ecke gibt es etwas zu entdecken: die feine Maserung des dunklen Holzes, der Glanz des kühlen Steins und die schimmernden Farben von Fresken, eine Szene wie aus einem Traum.

Genau dieses Gefühl fängt Anatomy of Dreams ein, die neue Parfum-Kollektion von Maison Valentino. Sieben Düfte, inspiriert von den sieben Räumen eines Palazzos: Vom privaten Theater über den barocken Bankett-Saal bis zum romantischen Garten. Hinter jeder Tür verbirgt sich eine eigene Welt, in der klassische Duftnoten wie rauchiges Oud, holziges Vetiver und süße Tuberose auf typisch italienische Akkorde treffen: der cremige Duft von Mandeln, die zitrische Frische von grüner Mandarine oder die sanfte Süße von Feigen.

Die einzelnen sieben Düfte spielen mit Kontrasten – wie die Verbindung von Vanille und Olivenholz im Eau de Parfum Punk Romantic, der Mix aus Rosenduft und Cappucino-Akkord im Eau de Parfum Private Talk oder die Kombination von Milchschaum und schwarzem Pfeffer im Eau de Parfum Sogno in Rosso. Jede Komposition wurde von einem anderen Parfum-Kreativen formuliert und spiegelt damit persönliche Interpretationen von Italien und die eigene Auffassung von Haute Couture wider. So auch das Eau de Parfum Club Couture, entwickelt von Andrew Everett und Carlos Benaïm. Der Duft verbindet würzige Patchouli mit süßlicher Feige.

Wir haben mit dem britischen Parfümeur Andrew Everett über den Schaffensprozess von Club Couture, seinen Bezug zu Italien und aktuelle Trends in der Parfumbranche gesprochen.

TUSH: Andrew, what’s your earliest memory tied to a particular scent or smell?
Andrew Everett: Before I moved to Italy at 18, I had never really experienced the scent of figs. But once I arrived, I discovered the fruit and immediately fell in love with it. I was captivated by its unique scent, and from that moment, I knew I had to feature it in a fragrance. It felt like a natural choice for Club Couture Anatomy of Dreams. Years ago, I created my first fig accord, which became the starting point for this creation. From there, I thought to refine it to bring out its full beauty.

TUSH: Is there one fragrance profile that always excites you?
Andrew Everett: There isn’t one specific fragrance profile that always excites me. In creation, I love the freedom to take risks with any profile that inspires me. I enjoy pushing the boundaries of composition. For me, fragrance is about embracing the unexpected and having fun with the process, which makes every composition exciting.

TUSH: Creating a single new fragrance is a complex process that takes months. With Anatomy of Dreams, however, you have created an entire collection of perfumes that idolize the city of Rome from very different positions and states of mind, “furnishing“ different rooms of a Roman palazzo, figuratively speaking. Please tell me how you and the Valentino team approached this very conceptual idea.
Andrew Everett: I created Club Couture in collaboration with Carlos Benaïm. The concept was deeply inspired by the idea of combining an unexpected Italian ingredient with a key element of traditional perfumery. The approach was quite instinctive for me, as I have a very strong connection to Italy. I lived there for several years, and it’s where my passion for perfumery truly began. The concept emerged from this personal bond, drawing from Italian sensory and cultural landscape to create with the Valentino team a fragrance that feels deeply rooted in the Italian spirit.

TUSH: When does a fragrance become Haute Couture?
Andrew Everett: … when it goes beyond a simple scent and transforms into a true expression of artistry, rarity, and masterful craftsmanship. It’s about creating something truly unique from the selection of ingredients to the process of creation. It’s about intention. Similar to fashion or food. As a perfumer, I think of the fragrance differently, making sure to use qualitive ingredients that give a signature spark. It’s important to smell this intention from the very first spray. Regarding the ingredients, the formula contains high-end qualities. The sparkling bergamot on top, for example, is a “heart”. It means that we selected only the best olfactive features of bergamot, creating a tailor-made ingredient. Club Couture is also made of orris concrete, also called “blue gold of perfumery” as it is a super luxurious ingredient.

TUSH: “Anatomy of Dreams” is a poetic approach to the world of fragrance. Do you see yourself as a poet and how do you preserve poetry in everyday life?
Andrew Everett: I view myself as someone who creates emotional connections through fragrance, much like a poet with words. Perfume has the power to evoke memories and transport people to different moments, offering something both personal and universal. It serves as an expression of personality, mood and even intimacy. Whether it’s a statement to the world or a private experience, perfume allows us to communicate in ways words cannot. It’s about capturing the essence of a person and telling a unique story through scent.

TUSH: The times we live in are shaped by overstimulation, whether it’s news feeds, content, product landscapes or personalities. Even olfactorily. Every hotel lobby and fashion brand now has a signature scent, it’s become part of one’s branding and CI. In which places and situations do you find tranquillity – and also your nose?
Andrew Everett:
Nature offers me peace and a place to reset my senses, whether through a quiet walk in the countryside, by the sea or in a garden. It can be anywhere. In these moments, I reconnect with my sense of smell, appreciating the purity of natural scents. Also, in an ironic way, my office at work gives me a sense of tranquility. You don’t smell much when you come in because I try hard not to contaminate it with fragrances. As for my nose… it’s a work horse and never needs a break. But most of the time I am not even aware of it. Smelling has become as unconscious as breathing.

TUSH: Which fragrance profile is very Italian?
Andrew Everett: In Club Couture, these ingredients – Bergamot, Bitter Orange, Mandarin and Fig – are Italian, drawing from the country’s citrus groves and Mediterranean landscapes. Citruses are signature scents of Calabria, while the fig captures sun-soaked essence of Italy’s landscapes. Together, they create a vibrant, fresh and sparkling profile that evokes the spirit of Italy.

TUSH: Which current trend in the perfume industry do you consider to be particularly interesting right now?
Andrew Everett:
One of the most interesting trends in the perfumery industry is the rise of alcohol-free fragrances. These water-based perfumes reflect a growing demand for gentler and skin-friendly fragrances that can be worn by those with sensitive skin. It’s exciting to see how this trend is pushing boundaries of innovation and creating new opportunities for fragrances.

Die Düfte der „Anatomy of Dreams“-Kollektion sind in den Maison Valentino Flagship Stores, exklusiv in den Flagships der KaDeWe Group und online erhältlich.

Text Lisa Hallupp

Interview Fabian Hart

Bilder PR Valentino

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