Brow Down

How brows became this decade's most coveted obsession

Model Gabriette with her siganture skinny-brows

Gabriette via Instagram | @anatakahashiii

via Instgram | @isamayaffrench

From Marlene Dietrich’s slender-curved eyebrows to thick, and archless ones; reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn’s and much later overhauled by Brooke Shield’s idiosyncratic, bushy form. Eyebrows can certainly weather through the eeriest of times. Cyclical through nostalgic allure like that of the super-skinny 90s reiterated by the likes of Bella Hadid and Gabriette Bechtel.

Soaped, bleached, plucked, or perhaps even shaved off. Brows, or the very absence of them, are arguably one of this decade’s most coveted obsessions, with “skinny-brow veterans” making us forgo tweezing, albeit just for a hot second, or plucking them duly until there’s no trace left. Current and prospective brow trends are then examined through TikTok’s aptitude test, in which users satirically discern whether the pencil-thin brow filter makes them look like a version of Pamela Anderson or more like a scruffy “cigarette mom”. Frankly, we put so much emphasis on that part of our faces that it feels only right to prize it in appropriate ways. Not least because our brows are discerned with a framing function, one that sort of ties up everything.


See, when a Kardashian is spotted using a certain product, that’s when you know the brand has got2b exceptional. A personal favorite that Kim Ks offspring North seems to be quite fond of too (sneakily spotted on their joint TikTok account) is Schwarzkopf’s got2be glue for brows and edges. Whether you side with the „laminated“-look, a more natural approach, or want to become the spit of 90s „Pamcore”, the trend landscape is quite a saturated one to keep up with. Get a grip on some of that “glue“ and you’re good to survive the ensuing 2000s, and whatever may come next.

via Instagram | @simone__gammino
Brow Gel


Afra Ugurlu
Februar 2, 2023
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