Photo: Lissy Gollnik
Set + Editor: Laura Dunkelmann
Photo: Lissy Gollnik
Set + Editor: Laura Dunkelmann
„I use the word ‘clous’ – meaning nails, or things that are practically worthless – metaphorically, because this Eau is dear to me! The orange peel pricks your eyes, and by nails I mean cloves, of course,“ describes Lutens this perfume.
The most recent launch features earthy and slightly sweet cloves, usually used in wintery context. Here they receive a fresh zestiness through orange and mandarine notes, so the effect is invigorating, blowing away winter’s dust and adding spice to the summer breeze.
„Just as the day brings them alive, the evening sets them ablaze. Of all the citrus family — orange, mandarin, grapefruit — the lemon tree, and specifically its blossom, exudes a magical freshness,“ so Lutens.
Florals clashing with citric notes and a hint of sweet musk: Freshness served like a minimalistic tarte in a french patisserie, a small, sharp slice of perfection.
„The situation was too hot for me to handle. Or a chill ran down my spine. I simply applied a similar concept to an Eau. The hero of this story is a tree during the dog days of summer. If an incision is made in its trunk, „tears of glass“ come out. Without air conditioning, the heat would kill it. Frankincense helps this scent preserve an icy cool.“
A smooth yet crisp, achieved through incense plus an almost metallic coolness, give this perfume a mysterious aura with being both hot and cold.