On the topic of community, we were as lucky to experience WANDLER doing the honours of hosting AFW’s opening event for the second consecutive year. This time with an even more solemn occasion – five years of WANDLER. The Birthday celebrations came about at Van Eesteren Museum beneath the dreamy, inflatable cubicle created by artist Elsemarijn, whose work, just like WANDLER, explores architectural form concepts. Dressed in WANDLER and virtually swathed by the fluorescent green light – looking at the guest list, it becomes apparent how Elza Wandler and her namesake label have permeated into the fashion landscape in what feels like a blink-of-an-eye. Models, stylists, and press to close friends and family came together to celebrate and revisit 90s rave nostalgia making it a place that oozed love and inspiration.
As anybody in the fashion realm would know, trends can change in an instant, so when a fairly new brand comes onto the scene and takes over our feeds, it’s definitely worth paying attention for. Known for her signature leather bags and shoes, Elza has broadened her array to denim trousers in late 2021. Just in time for fashion month, we can applaud her second trouser collection HOL22 made up off denim and leather, now available on wandler.com and selected retailers. We sat down with the Dutch designer to chat about friendships, inspirations, and the bright (-green) future of WANDLER.
TUSH: Congratulations on 5 years of WANDLER! Do you host big celebrations for your own birthdays as well?
Elza: Not to that extent but I love bringing people together. Usually, my husband and I celebrate together anyway because our birthdays are six days apart from each other.