These girls are all about town - TUSH Family members violet chachki and aquaria.

Oui, oui, Paris!

Twice a year Paris is flooded with some extra portion of creativity - that’s why we didn’t only had an eye on the runways this season. If it’s underground parties, press gatherings, backstage areas or front door street style action - we captured beauty inspirations just everywhere, even if that means sneaking in though the backdoor.
Even if your’e waiting to leave for the runway soon - there is always time for a selfie, or an apple. Left: Manish Arora Right: Lutz Huelle

This jewelry is a good catch: the Girls at Mashama definitely had it coming - on their ears.

The perfect Mix of Paris Chick and the Berlin Vibe - Attend the GmbH Party and rave with this crowd: Anthon Raimund, Alejandra Perez, Bottedequeer (from left to right)

I you want to join the front row or sneak in backstage - extravagance is key to every look: Diana Pernet, Aya & Ami, Luc Love (from left to right)

Lily Bling, Veronika Baron (from left to right)

And to end a perfect week - the PRFCT NUMBR Dinner with Eva Losada

Paris is always a good idea.

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