The warm sunshine kissing your skin at the beach, a light breezy in the mountains or soft steps on a new city’s hot pavement: The feeling of vacation doesn’t start at your final destination, it begins when packing your bag, preparing yourself for those moments, picturing yourself in that new scenery, carefully picking your travel companions, from tees to toothpaste.
The beauty brand Aesop is pushing this excitment with two new travel sets, one for departure, focusing the journey and therefore and hand face care, one for the arrival and the first shower with the label’s herbal scented hair and body care. Both pleasing eyes, skin and emotions.
But – it also intensifies the melancholia of an ending vacation: the small scale tubes and packs will be done. So better book a following trip soon – or prepare a set for your home to soothe the Fernweh.

Available May 20th via Aesop

Laura Dunkelmann
April 23, 2019
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