Tender Touch

Light and shadow framing the flow of each gestures, sharp silhouettes full of softness – holding emotions, releasing new notions. Aesthetic as a feeling, from the fingertips into space.

Nail Artist Polish in PUBLIC - EMILIE HEATHE

No. 133 + No. 105, GITTI
On Top Glossy Nail Polish Top Coat, EMILIE HEATHE

Bleu Encre, Le Main Hermès, HERMÈS

The Shroom Bloom Set, PLEASINGS

Vernis à Ongles Nail Polish, 715 Winterset Snow, GUCCI BEAUTY

Refinement down to the fingertips, each pose in poise, surreal sceneries and sharp silhouettes that still seem soft: Serge Lutens composed without compromises.
His artful imagery, mostly created in the 80s for campaigns of Dior and Shiseido, is as full of fanatasy and details. There is a certain spark in every element, resulting in a magical work of art. He became a master of creating perfection with a personal touch – a unique balance in beauty.

Drawn to Lutens‘ aesthetics and poetic staging, we focused on his handwriting, capturing gestures inspired by his genius visuals.

Lissy Gollnik
[Concept + Realisation]
Laura Dunkelmann
Sabina Pinsone
Daniela Prost
Michael Mayer / Ballsaal
Sara Mey / Girls Club
Anna Filileeva
März 25, 2022
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