More than lipstick – Ines Marzat creates 3D make-up-art that could be the make-up of the future. We feature the Paris-based unique work now on Instagram – read her about her passion and inspiration here:

How did you start as an artist?

I am originally an art director in advertising specialised in luxury, fashion and beauty. I’ve started experiencing with 3D while working on HD cosmetics still lives. I quickly felt a knack for it. It gets extremely complicated in no time so I went into learning programs and did a zillion video tutorials on how to make organic iridescent blobs and weird creatures. I realised i could create anything with my imagination, patience and 3D software. My first notable 3D work was the “Baby F-16″ videoclip, an AR experiment I directed with Panteros666. Our last joint video effort is “Meteociel”, an experimental travel vlog, in a more Youtube creative DIY spirit, where we imagined an unexpected encounter with a digital pet.  Ever since, my fascination for augmented reality, makeup and cosmetics have been growing.  I’ve always been drawn to make reality more fantastic. After many years getting around with 3D, I found my own self-defining way:  adding digital elements on human faces, uniting tweo of my favorite things in this world, 3D and makeup. By doing so, I was accidentally creating makeup from the future.

What fascinates you with faces? 

The face is the first thing you see and look at. It’s our first medium of communication in a way. It expresses feelings, emotions, a personality. There are so many different ones, different kind of beauties. It’s crazy how nature created so many parameters to play with and create billions of different looking faces. Still, people want to look unique or just play with their appearance. People used to dress differently to express their personality and uniqueness, but in today’s, and more importantly tomorrow’s society, people will express an ever expanding desire to transform their face. It’s the first thing you see on social media. The illusions are everywhere. Using automated social media filters, advanced makeup technics or for the more privileged ; plastic surgery. I consider my work to be the exaggeration of that – worldwide – trend, trying to fantasise what complete aesthetic freedom of one’s appearance would look like. 

What do you do when you turn off Instagram? 

I work on creating new 3D makeups and also developing them as AR filters for social media It’s such a distraction! Filters are becoming important for artists like me, it’s the best way to showcase and share your work to the world.

Do you think about likes & followers when you create looks? 

I of course hope my followers will like my new pieces when they come out. But I don’t design them for that. I just follow my inspirations and instincts. It always feels good when people likes and follows, it makes you want to continue and push harder your work, like you do what you do for something. One day they may stop liking. I will definitely question my art when that will happen. 

What means beauty to you? 

Beauty is very personal. It’s an emotion you feel when looking at something or someone. For me, beauty is about having fun, expressing yourself, finding the confidence to put yourself out there, feeling confortable with your image and body, looking the way you want to look regardless of what people may say. Finding the inner strentgh to block other people’s doubt about who you wanna be. It’s easier said than done but thinking about it and see it written is a good start ! 

How would you describe your style?

It’s whimsical and forward-thinking.
I want to make things that don’t or can’t exist (for now). Something you can only imagine in dreams. That’s what’s interesting with CGI and 3D, humans intrinsically are demi gods, we reproduce what nature has already designed. With time we can make anything. That’s what I try to foresee with my 3D makeups. Imagining a makeup culture that doesn’t exist yet, pushing forwards the limits of beauty and ornaments. Holographic textures, bubbly bouncy forms, things that come out of the skin, robotic highlighter, it has to look magic in a way. It can be a bit “kawaii” (girly/cute) sometimes in the choices of tones, colours, textures. I can’t hide I’m a huge fan of Sailor Moon, the little mermaid and final fantasy. But it’s for everyone, without any boundaries of cultures, age or genders. 

[Make-Up Creation ]
Ines Alpha
[Collaboration ]
Madrona Redhawk
[Sound Design ]
Februar 1, 2019
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