Model wearing low waist jeans walking on a red runway
Model wearing a two piece on a runway


Is Glenn Martens reaching out for a new title? „Pope of Fashion“? Only time will tell… but this season he made one thing very clear, what the actual pope does not: Use Condoms! 

One might think safe sex is a sure thing in 2023? It is not… HIV numbers are still rising, everywhere around the globe, and the Vatican insists on its ban on contraceptives, still. But will a fashion show in Milan safe humankind from sexual diseases? Certainly not! Fashion is never the solution, but a tool to keep the conversation going, change the Zeitgeist and make a statement. And at Diesel, a statement was made. 

With lube on our hands (the invitation to the show) we are entering the venue. Dimmed in red light a mountain of 200.000 condom boxes arouses the audience. Escorted by a hard beat, the moaning begins: 

condom packaging by Durex and Diesel
Model wearing denim pieces on a red runway
Model walking down the runway in mini skirt

We see Diesel’s Denim Devoré – distressed jeans revealing the skin – on trousers, tops or as a crystal dress. Laser cut with new intensity (Shout-out to the denim pants revealing the overknee crystal boots) and cracked leather optics. Augusta Alexander in very tight black fake leather (Yes Daddy!). Prints displaying over-exaggerated smiles, metabolized biker denim, fur made of heated nylon and a new D-charm bag quilted in padded denim with a charm chain. Not many brands showcase this variety of fabric innovation, making Diesel a highlight on its own.

The ever-expanding experiments with denim (or fabrics in general) and the ongoing elaboration of the Diesel world spark a sense of joy that transfers from the design team through the clothes to the street. When Glenn tells us to have fun, we can be certain – he does too.

Still buffed by all this action, we are sent off to the next show with our pockets full of condoms and a naughty farewell by the Diesel team: Have FUN in Milan!

This is how you open a Fashion Week! xxx

Text: @simonriepe

Runway location with huge pile of condoms
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