A breezy disco melody, an upbeat electronic track, a subtle piano tune, a loud guitar solo: Every sound creates or reflects our feelings, our style and mood.

You are what you put into your ears. Yet – unlike lips and eyes – ears have been untouched by make-up. Until now – isn’t hearing as important as talking and seeing? We have eyeshadow – but how about earshadow? We use lipliner, but lobeliner?
With Urbanista we are finally highlighting ears – both with delightful devices and stunning styling.
The reflection of yourself and mood doesn’t end with your playlist – also earphones can reflect your uniqueness, are more than just a tool to listen to some beats.
They are an accessoire, an extension of your intention and emotion.


Urbanista’s new London In Ear Headphones reflect this vibe their modern shape and shades. Delicate like jewelry.

Behind their beauty there are also hard facts, like 25 hours of playtime, voice and touch control and a practical case charger plus Active Noise Cancelling so that you can truly enjoy your own tracks with no disruption – Whether it’s expressive electronic or peaceful piano, wild colors or soft shades: Your ears are open to all styles, yet will hear only those played on your headphones.

photo – Lissy Gollnik

art direction – Laura Dunkelmann

model – Marie Z. / Mirrrs

make-up – Denise Grundmann / ballsaal

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