“It’s light, it’s airy, it’s sexy, like a cloud of hair“, explains Laurent Philippon, Bumble and bumble Global Fashion Director and hair lead, the hairstyle at Disco-esque Christian Cowan show in New York.
Manes with a cotton candy quality were floating all around New York Fashion Week.
The vibe is a an very romantic one, althought hair might be unruly, it appears dreamy, in an organic puffiness.
„This season, we began with the thought of virgin hair – long and wavy,“ so Laurent Philippon’s word on his inspiration at Mansur Gavriel where the hair was like an ocean of waves in low ponytails or kept open.
Either achived through diligent brushing and some whiffs of Bumble and bumble’s Does It All, structure intensifyng hairspray (when transformed from straight to fluffy, often through micro curls) or only amplified with volumising products like the Bumble and bumble’s Thickening Spray (when hair was curly by nature) – it seems the fluffiness works with any vision.
„She throws her hair up and goes. Doesn’t brush it. Doesn’t care – but somehow, it looks good,“ states Tessa Mills, Hedkandi Salon stylist and lead at the House Of Nonie show on her fully dos.
From cool club queen, soft romantic to the easy but busy woman – Having the head in the clouds now works for everyone.