Skin: Pure Pigments Powder MAKE-UP FOREVER, Scarf: ARKA STORE NYC


There is this carefree spirit that’s right now rising in beauty: Make-up artists are starting to experiment again by exploring textures, shapes, colors in a new yet old manner: It’s like how children draw on pavement – but here it’s cheeks not streets.

Remember when you were a kid and you went out to play, grabbed some chalk and started drawing on the sidewalk? From bubbly rainbows to pastel neon clouds, unintentionally placed lines with a meaning only you – could understand. It was dreaming through the crayon. And was certainly not about specified perfection – it was your way of expressing beauty: unique, playful, intuitive and most of all it was about having fun.

In adult life, lines have become accurate and intentionally placed to enhance your look. Making eyes appear bigger, pouts prettier – there’s nothing wrong with a flattering do – But who is to define what beauty is? Tutorials are still dictating the perfect angle for applying blush and influencers reflecting flawless, hyper symmetrical faces. It’s instructing not inspiring, restricting not refreshing. It’s an outlined map for make-up, simulating the safety of social acceptance.

So putting the fun back in focus is the inevitable consequence. Enjoying application, cavort with color, indulge into naiveté. Do a rainbow, or just a soft pink swipe – trust your feeling, your instinct, letting your mood lead the way. It doesn’t mean this can’t be perfect and immaculate – didn’t we all try to paint within the lines at some point, finding joy in it? The essence is cruising on your own course. Freeing your feelings.

Because no everyone wants to wander on a perfectly polished path that the rest of the people are following. It’s the hidden street, the rough edges and maybe chalk-drawings – that touches the heart, makes us dream and opens the door to something new. Building a Luftschloss of your own, keeping your head in the clouds.

Erika Astrid
[Art direction & realisation + text]
Laura Dunkelmann
Mustafa Yanaz / Kramer & Kramer
Anastasia Durasova
Jen Smith
Anna Kazannik / Mayor NYC
Oleg Palchyk
Juni 12, 2018

Lips: Matte Velvetine Cupid, LIME CRIME, Earrings: DINOSAUR DESIGNS, Bodysuit: DOBS NY

Eyes: Artistique Eyeshadow Serin, SURRAT BEAUTY, über, Top: DOBS NY

Life’s A Festival Eye Shadow Palette, TOO FACED, Jacket: DOBS NY

Colorful Shadow & Liner 32 Let It Snow, SEPHORA COLLECTION, Jacket: CFGNY from LRC

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