New wave of glam

A splash of American-Dream-perfection, Italian diva-attitude, 70s pool party coolness plus a tiny spritz of 90s tabloid-it-girl laissez fair: Swimwear label Oséree  ties the essentials of glam into a sparkling fall 2020 collection of bikinis, resort wear, maillots and two pieces.
But the Italian label’s aesthetic is not blinding  – cuts remain minimalistic and softly constructed, colours are played within a postcardy palette and the sex appeal comes through charisma, both of the brand and wearer, not a push-up bra. It is visible that beside the sparkle, Oséree wants women to FEEL beautiful – be as a party or chill queen, on staycation or during globetrotting. Glamour is individual – Oséree underlines this elegantly.

Laura Dunkelmann
August 6, 2020
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