Rex Boyfriend

Still in love with dino

Dress – PRADA


A wild soul, an unpredictable beast or just a being full of grace? Even if they are dead to you, young and old are still obsessed: Dinosaurs fascinate beyond their lifetime, these ex animals are cult creatures, aesthetically and historically.
We created an editorial to honor their attraction.


Scarf + top: VERSACE
Satin dress + leatherbag: PRADA

Satin dress + leather bag: PRADA

Purple hoodie: Serafin Andrzejak von Quadrat Shop Berlin



JACKET, SHIRT, SHORTS, SHOES: CHANEL - Location: Naturkunde Museum Berlin

Why did the skeleton go to the party alone? He had nobody to go with him.




Suit - MAGLIANO, Shoes CAMPERLAB, Socks FALKE, Location: Naturkunde Museum Berlin
Blue hoodie: Robert Kupisz von Quadrat Shop Berlin


What’s hotter than chilli? Dino-sauce!

JACKET, SHIRT, SHORTS, SCHUHE: CHANEL, Location: Naturkunde Museum Berlin

Foto: Lotte Thor

AD + Production: Laura Dunkelmann

Make-up: Gianluca Verdini

Haircut & Styling: Fraser Francis using Maria Nila

Styling: Arthur Mayadoux

Manicure: Oksana Zavora / Chummy Nails

Models: Eliza / Mirrrs, Mina / Letitgo

Casting: Hendrik Simon


Production Assistant: Afra Ugurlu

Photo Assistant Benni Herbst

Location: Museum für Naturkunde

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