Suits you!

Star-Friseur Frédéric Fekkai bietet im New Yorker THE MARK Hotel ab sofort einen exklusiven In-Suite Service an.

Als wäre es im 5-Sterne Hotel THE MARK an der Upper Eastside nicht schon schön genug – ab sofort föhnt, frisiert, schneidet, koloriert und stylt Frédéric Fekkai auch in Suiten. Der Star-Friseur lockt schon länger in das Luxushotel – seinen eigenen Salon hat er hier schon längst. Für noch mehr Individualität und Exklusivität kommt die Ikone jetzt aber auf’s Zimmer – vielleicht auch, weil es in Manhattan wohl kaum einen eleganteren wie gemütlicheren Ort als die Zimmer und Suiten hier geben kann.
Stars wie Uma Thurman, Diane Krüger oder Anna Wintour checken sicherlich wegen beidem ein: Fekkai’s Haarkunst und THE MARK’s Service und Charme.
Das Hotel ist eben nicht nur edle Unterkunft, sondern auch Beauty Hotspot.
Wir sprachen mit Frédéric Fekkai über seinen neuen Service und seine Vision als Hairstylist.

Das THE MARK an der Upper Eastside in New York City.

What do you like about The Mark?

The Mark  Hotel is the perfect location for our international customers and it offers incredible services that pamper our customers with great luxury. 


Der Fekkai Salon im THE MARK

How do you feel when you create a new hairstyle?

It is so rewarding when I create a new hairstyle that fits my customers personal look and lifestyle. The best feeling is to see them smile and feel so confident and powerful. It feels great to be innovative and creative!


What is your vision?

My vision is to develop products that will enhance my customers’s beauty and pamper the planet. And to see my trusted brands be scaled globally.

What was the most difficult moment in your career? And what was there best?

Two critical moments in my career:

1- transitioning from Hair Stylist to entrepreneur 

2-  buying back my namesake Brand and reinventing it by reformulating the products with clean formulas and sustainable packaging with PCR plastic and switching the whole distribution from mass market to prestige distribution and DTC / E-commerce 


What can guests expect from the “FEKKAI In-Suite-Package“?

„The hotel guests can get room service and beauty services with the most ultimate attention“

Suite im THE MARK

Looking at the industry and Definition of „beauty“ today compared to when you started: which changes are you happy about, what are you missing?

I am happy that the trends have universal hair styles with diversity and inclusion. I am also happy that beauty can be done without damaging hair or skin. Because of Covid I missed the Red Carpet moments 

Have you ever thought about switching your profession? If so – what would be an appealing alternative?

I have thought and still thinking when I will retire to be an artist/ sculptor/ painter

How much can a haircut / style change a persons life?

A great haircut and a great hair color can make anyone look amazing, feel great and super confident. 


The Mark Hotel is a luxury brand like Fekkai

Frédéric Fekkai

Die Lounge im THE MARK

Laura Dunkelmann
Januar 24, 2022
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